Saturday 24 March 2012

How To Double Your Income With Your Natural Talents

How would you to double your income? You are sitting there saying: "That is a really dumb question Andrej." Well not really.
See, anybody can double their income. Hardly anybody decides to double their income. Now think about it, what do you have to do to double your income? You have to get better at what you are good at. There is no hidden secret about that. It's simple.
You have to get better at what you are good at.
Great example are actors. The skill of greatest actors in the world is not acting, but living the part. they live the part. When I am teaching my students or clients how to get started in affiliate marketing, I live the part.
What skills do you have in your arsenal? What skill will you develop to double your income? Now, first of all, you have to recognize what the target is. So, ask yourself what you earned last year, and how you can double it.
Put the double down and you can start your year right now. You don't have to wait until January first. You can stat right now. It's like a company, a fiscal year can start anytime.
You are going to double your income. Get serious about this and spend some time thinking. Write down ideas. Analyze your work and your skills. Think about how you can improve. Money can impact every aspect of your life. With more money, you will be more comfortable, and you will improve other areas of your life to.
You probably won't make more money by working harder, but you will make more money by getting better. We all can be better at what we do. We all have natural talents. The psychology experts are discovering that we are all geniuses in different areas of our lives.
Here's what I mean by that. Some people are geniuses at physical things, like using your hands, fixing stuff, building things and getting things done with your hands. Some people are emotional geniuses. They are great at connecting with people, building relationships, and persuading others. Some people are mental geniuses, who are good at understanding complex ideas, learning new things and systems. Each of us are a combination of these types of geniuses I just described.
The amount of money we earn is in direct ratio to the need of what we do, our ability to do it, and the difficulty there is in replacing us. You get really good at what you do, you will be difficult to replace, and your stock goes up.
Spend some quality time and really think about that seriously. Close your mind to anything else. Connect your skills and natural gifts to highly paid opportunities. Get real good at it and make a commitment. You will be happy you did.
by Andrej Urek

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