Monday 2 April 2012

Learning Tips to Make Money

The amount of knowledge available to us is exploding exponentially every day, and in response, you want to keep up and double your income, too. There's an epidemic of decreasing incomes that is directly related to vast amounts of knowledge available in their field.
Doctors, lawyers, and bookkeepers used to be some of the wealthiest professions to enter. However, the invention of the microchip created a mega highway of knowledge available at anyone's fingertips.
Take a look at the medical field. Doctors are crying about their income decreasing. This is clearly related to the amount of knowledge doctors have in relation to the amount of medical knowledge available today. There are new medical discoveries every day. It's hard to keep up.
Patients, on the other hand, make an appointment and come armed with a wealth of knowledge about medications, side effects, and advice from websites. They don't even have to make an appointment in some cases. They can look up remedies to cure their ailments online.
The same thing with bookkeepers happened. The computer replaced the difficult tasks that only a bookkeeper could perform in the past. Try lawyers, computers can do the things lawyers charge a ton of money for. You can incorporate online, get your licenses, and you can even file for divorce by following instructions online.
Needless to say, the amount of wealth you have is directly related to the amount of knowledge you increase in your personal life. Try these learning strategies to double your income and double your self-confidence in the process:
Your business life:
· Continue your education and increase your wealth.
· Become more skilled in a new computer program.
· Learn how to operate new technology.
Your personal life:
· Learn new people skills.
· Read a "How to..." book.
· Watch educational channels.
· Take a self-motivation or personal growth course.
· Find a new hobby.
· Play a sport.
All of these are strategies that increase your ability to learn. People learn in different ways. The great educational psychologist, Howard Gardner, created a theory called Multiple Intelligences. You'll see orientations courses talk about these "types." For example, "ENTJ" is an acronym for Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judgmental. There are several different combinations that show you where your strengths are.
To enhance your learning, find the way that you learn the best. Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligence types include:
· Linguistic (written language)
· Logical or mathematical
· Musical
· Bodily or kinesthetic
· Intrapersonal
· Interpersonal
· Spatial (patterns)
Your I.Q. has nothing to do with your ability to double your income. When you know how you learn best, you increase your aptitude in a way that will enhance your life mission. Areas that you feel you aren't as strong in, but you would like to be, can be strengthened through learning.
When you decide to study something you didn't know before, you double your knowledge. Almost anytime you double something, you can also double your income. You have to make small steps every day to exercise your mind.

By Raymond Aaron

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